Let iOS apps talk

A user contributable directory of iOS apps with x-callback-urls. Learn more or See the apps.
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Open ”On the Agenda”

Open the On the Agenda overview.

Open ”Today”

Open the Today overview.

Open project

Open a project. Identified by title or identifier.
The title to search for.
The project title to seach for.
The identifier of a project.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • project - holds project identifier

Open note

Open a note. Identified by title or identifier.
The title to search for.
The project title to seach for.
The identifier of a note.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • note - holds the identifier
  • note-title - holds the note title

Create note

Create a note. In the given project. (title or identifier)
?title* =
The title of the note.
&text* =
The text of the note.
The project title to add the note to.
The identifier of the project to add the note to.
Natural language or absolute dates.
Natural language or absolute dates.
Natural language or absolute dates.
base64 encoded data with no line breaks.
The filename of the attachment, including file extension.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • note - holds the identifier
  • note-title - holds the note title

Append to note

Append text or an attachment to a note, or change the title or date
?text* =
The text of the note.
&on-the-agenda* =
  • true
  • false
The title of the note.
The project title.
The identifier of the note.
Natural language or absolute dates.
Natural language or absolute dates.
Natural language or absolute dates.
base64 encoded data with no line breaks.
The filename of the attachment, including file extension.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • note - holds the identifier
  • note-title - holds the note title


Open a new email draft in Airmail
Enter the subject line for the new email message.
Enter the email address that you want to send the message from.
Enter the email addresses--separated by commas--for the To field of the new email message.
Enter the email addresses--separated by commas--for the Cc field of the new email message.
Enter the email addresses--separated by commas--for the Bcc field of the new email message.
Enter the content of your new email message in plain text.
Enter the content of your new email message in HTML.


Opens the Device List view


Opens the Awair Score tab


Opens the Tips tab


Opens the Trend tab
?deviceType* =
The model name
  • awair
  • awair-glow
  • awair-mint
  • awair-omni
&deiviceId* =
numeric identifier of the device
&component* =
Sensor Component
  • score
  • temp
  • humid
  • co2
  • voc
  • dust
  • pm25
&timestamp* =
of the format: 2017-04-12T23:22:00.000Z


Opens the Awair+ tab


Opens the Inbox tab

Open Note

Open a note identified by its title or id and return its content.
note unique identifier.
note title.
if ”yes” exclude trashed notes.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • note - note text.
  • identifier - note unique identifier.
  • title - note title.
  • is_trashed - ”yes” if the note is trashed.
  • modificationDate - note modification date in ISO 8601 format.
  • creationDate - note creation date in ISO 8601 format.

Create Note

Create a new note and return its unique identifier. Empty notes are not allowed.
note title.
note body.
a comma seperated list of tags.
if ”yes” pin the note to the top of the list.
base64 representation of a file.
file name with extension. Both ”file” and ”filename” are required to successfully add a file.
if ”no” do not display the new note in Bear’s main or external window.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters.
  • identifier - note unique identifier.
  • title - note title.

Add Text

Append or prepent text to a note identified by its title or id.
note unique identifier.
title of the note.
text to add.
the allowed values are ”prepend”, ”append”, ”replace_all” and ”replace”
if ”yes” ecxclude trashed notes.
If ”no” do not display the new note in Bear’s main or external window.

Add File

Append or prepend a file to a note identified by its title or id.
note unique identifier.
note title.
base64 representation of a file
file name with extension. Both file and filename are required to successfully add a file.
the allowed values are
  • prepend
  • append
  • replace
  • replace_all
If ”no” do not display the new note in Bear’s main or external window.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters.
  • note - note text

Open Tag

Show all the notes which have a selected tag in bear.
The tag name.

Rename Tag

Rename an existing tag.
The tage name.
The new tag name.

Delete Tag

Delete an existing tag.
The tage name.


Move a note to bear trash.
note unique identifier.


Show search results in Bear for all notes or for a specific tag.
String to search.
Tag to search into.

Grab URL

Create a new note with the content of a web page.
URL to grab.
If ”yes” grab the pages images
a comma separated list of tags.
if ”yes” pin the note to the top of the list.
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters.
  • identifier - note unique identifier
  • title - note title

Change Theme

Change the selected Bear theme. Some themes may require a Bear Pro subscription.
Available values
  • Red Graphite
  • Charcoal
  • Solarized Light
  • Solarized Dark
  • Panic Mode
  • Dracula
  • Gotham
  • Toothpaste
  • Cobalt
  • Duotone Light
  • Duotone Snow
  • Dieci
  • Ayu

Change Font

Change the selected Bear Font.
Available values
  • Avenir Next
  • System
  • Helvetica Neue
  • Menlo
  • Georgia
  • Courier
  • Open Dyslexic


Add a new item to a file
The item headline
Notes to add to the item
Schedule the item using a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd
Set the item deadline using a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd
The name of the file, without an extension, to add the item to
Name of a template to apply
Whether or not the user can edit the item before it is created

View Agenda

Open the app to the agenda view

View A File

Open the provided file for viewing
?file* =
The name of the file to be opened


Create a shortened link. The user will be prompted to add the new link to her list of links. If she chooses not to, the link will be returned as a "url" parameter on the x-success callback.
?url* =
the URL to be shortened
URL to be called with the shortened link as a "url" parameter.


Opens Blackbox.

Unlock Meta Challenge

Unlocks a deep link related meta challenge.


Presents options for resetting the game.


Create a new file in Byword.
If not specified, defaults to the location being browsed. If there is none, Byword will ask the location. One of the following:
  • icloud
  • dropbox
  • local
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the folder being browsed. If there is none, the root folder of the location is used.
The filename of the file to create, with extension. If a filename already exists a new one is created. If not specified an untitled file is created.
The text to insert into the new file.


Open an existing file. Fails if the file does not exist.
If not specified, defaults to the location being browsed. If there is none, Byword will ask the location. One of the following:
  • icloud
  • dropbox
  • local
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the folder being browsed. If there is none, the root folder of the location is used.
The filename of the file to open, with extension.


Append content to an existing file. If the file does not exist a new one is created.
If not specified, defaults to the location being browsed. If there is none, Byword will ask the location. One of the following:
  • icloud
  • dropbox
  • local
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the folder being browsed. If there is none, the root folder of the location is used.
The filename of the file to open, with extension. If the file doesn’t exist it will be created.
The text to append.


Prepend content to an existing file. If the file does not exist a new one is created.
If not specified, defaults to the location being browsed. If there is none, Byword will ask the location. One of the following:
  • icloud
  • dropbox
  • local
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the folder being browsed. If there is none, the root folder of the location is used.
The filename of the file to open, with extension. If the file doesn’t exist it will be created.
The text to prepend.


Replace the contents of an existing file. If the file doesn’t exist a new one is created.
If not specified, defaults to the location being browsed. If there is none, Byword will ask the location. One of the following:
  • icloud
  • dropbox
  • local
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the folder being browsed. If there is none, the root folder of the location is used.
The filename of the file. If the file doesn’t exist it will be created.
The text to insert.


Create a new document with the given name and contents. It is saved in the active storage location in the folder that was last browsed. The document is opened and set to edit.
?body* =
Can contain full Markdown text and calculations.
&title* =
Will become the file name and should not have a file extension attached.


Calc a block of text and return it to the calling application. The text is computed in the same way as if it were opened in Calca: all lines with => are computed and the values written out.
?body* =
Can range from a simple query suchas as 2+2=> to a full document.
&x-success* =
A URL to open after the text has been calculated. If the URL contains the string [[output]], it is replaced with the fully calculated text.

Open URL

Open the given URL
?url* =
The URL to open


Creates a new file. If one exists, a file with a unique name will be created.
?name* =
The filename (if not included, creates a unique filename).
The directory path (if not included, defaults to Documents).
The text to add to the file.


Append text to a file, creating it if necessary.
The filename (if not included, creates a unique filename).
The directory path (if not included, defaults to Documents).
The text to add to the file.


Replaces the contents of a file, creating it if necessary.
The filename (if not included, creates a unique filename).
The directory path (if not included, defaults to Documents).
The text to add to the file.

create new gist

Create a new gist on github.com.
A string description of the Gist. Default is empty
A boolean value indicating whether the gist is public or not. Default is false.
This parameter can be defined multiple times. The "N" in the name is a placeholder for a unique name for the file. The value of the argument is the content of the file

Show Clipboard

Show the clipboard.

Open List

Open list with the name ”listName”.

Find Clipping

Search the content with a query.
?q* =
The query to search for.

New Clipping

Add a new clipping to Copied. All parameters are option, if neither ”title” nor ”url” are given the content of the clipboard will be used.
The title of the clippping.
The text of the clipping.
The url of the clipping
The list to add the clipping to

Copy Clipping

Copy the clipping at the given index.
?index* =
An integer that starts from 0.
If a name of a list is given the index will be inside that list

Create entry

?entry* =
Entry content (Markdown)
Comma separated list of tags
Journal name
Attach image from the clipboard
  • 1 - attach picture from the clipboard
  • 0 - do not attach picture from the clipboard

Edit entry

?entryId* =
Entry ID to edit (UUID)

Open Day One


Open Actifity Feed


Open Timeline


Open Calendar


Open Starred Entries


Open Preferences



Opens the New Document Assistant, pre- filled with the provided data.
The UUID of a group or database where the item shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the item is created in the global inbox.
The title of the item to be created.
A comment to be added to the item.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created item.
marks or unmarks the item as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks item as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the item's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Bookmark

Creates a new bookmark.
The UUID of a group or database where the bookmark shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the bookmark is created in the global inbox.
The title of the bookmark to be created.
A comment to be added to the bookmark.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created bookmark.
marks or unmarks the bookmark as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks bookmark as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the bookmark's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Group

Creates a new group.
The UUID of a group or database where the group shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the group is created in the global inbox.
The title of the group to be created.
A comment to be added to the group.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created group.
marks or unmarks the group as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks group as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the group's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Text

Creates a new plain text document.
The UUID of a group or database where the text shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the text is created in the global inbox.
The title of the text to be created.
A comment to be added to the text.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created text.
marks or unmarks the text as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks text as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the text's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Markdown

Creates a new Markdown document.
The UUID of a group or database where the Markdown document shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the Markdown document is created in the global inbox.
The title of the Markdown document to be created.
A comment to be added to the Markdown document.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created Markdown document.
marks or unmarks the Markdown document as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks Markdown document as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the Markdown document's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Webarchive

Creates a new webarchive.
The UUID of a group or database where the item shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the item is created in the global inbox.
The title of the web archive to be created.
A comment to be added to the web archive.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created web archive.
marks or unmarks the web archive as flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks web archive as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the web archive's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Import Clipboard

Imports data from the pasteboard to the global inbox.

Create Document

Creates a new document from UTI and file data.
?uti* =
the uti for the document.
&source* =
Base64-encoded file data.
The UUID of a group or database where the document shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the document is created in the global inbox.
The title of the document be created.
A comment to be added to the document.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created document
marks or unmarks the document flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks document as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the document's label (0-based index or name of the label).


Search DEVONthink To Go and show or retrieve the results.
?query* =
The query to use for the search.
The UUID of the database or group to search. Optional; if not set DEVONthink To Go searches all databases.

Create Html

Creates a new HTML document.
?source* =
Raw HTML data.
The UUID of a group or database where the html document shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the html document is created in the global inbox.
The title of the html document be created.
A comment to be added to the html document.
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created html document
marks or unmarks the html document flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks html document as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the html document's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Create Image

Creates a new image.
?source* =
Base64-encoded image file data.
The UUID of a group or database where the image shall be created. If the 'destination' parameter is not specified the image is created in the global inbox.
The title of the image created.
A comment to be added to the image
The URL linking to the content, e.g., the URL of the website for the bookmark or the image.
Comma-separated list of tags to be attached to the created image
marks or unmarks the image flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks image as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the image's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Update Item

Updates an existing item.
?uuid* =
The UUID of the item, e.g., derived from an item link
Base64-encoded file data to be set as the item's new content. The source and text parameters are mutually exclusive with source taking precedence if both are present.
The UUID of a group or database where the item shall be moved to. You can only provide one destination; if the item was previously replicated to more than one group it will be unlinked from all of them and placed into the new group.
Text content to be set for the document. The source and text parameters are mutually exclusive with source taking precedence if both are present.
A new title for the item.
A comment to be set in the item's metadata.
A URL to be set in the item's metadata.
Comma-separated list of tags to be added to the item. If the item was already tagged the previous tags are removed and the new set of tags is added.
marks or unmarks the item flagged
  • 1 - marks as flagged
  • 0 - marks as unflagged
marks or unmarks item as unread
  • 1 - marks as unread
  • 0 - marks as unread
Sets the item's label (0-based index or name of the label).

Retrieve Document Metadata

Returns selected metadata of a document as JSON object.
?uuid* =
The UUID of the document, e.g., derived from an item link

Retrieve Document Data

Returns selected metadata of a document as JSON object.
?uuid* =
The UUID of the document, e.g., derived from an item link

Retrieve Group Contents

Returns a JSON array describing the contents of a group.
?uuid* =
The UUID of the group, smart group, or database, e.g., derived from an item link

Get Selected Item's Link

Returns the item link for the currently selected document.


Translate a phrase in dict.cc.
The word or sentence to translate.
For example ”de-en” to translate from German to English.
The string ”DCCTRANS” in your x-success URL will be replaced with the translation.


Create a new draft with the content passed in the “text” argument.
?text* =
Text to be used at the content of the new draft.
Name of a tag to attach to the draft. Parameter can appear multiple times to add more than one tag.
Name of an action in the action list. If provided, this action will be run on the specified draft.
If an action parameter is provided, adding allowEmpty=false to the URL will prevent that action from running if the text is empty. This can be used to terminate a loop of x-callback-urls running on lines of a draft.


Open an existing draft based on the UUID argument.
?uuid* =
The UUID identifier for a draft.
Name of an action in the action list. If provided, this action will be run on the specified draft.
If an action parameter is provided, adding allowEmpty=false to the URL will prevent that action from running if the text is empty. This can be used to terminate a loop of x-callback-urls running on lines of a draft.


Return the current content of the draft specified by the UUID argument as an argument to the x-success URL provided.
?uuid* =
The UUID identifier for a draft.
The name of the argument to use to pass the draft content back to the x-success URL. Defaults to “text”, but if the requesting app expects another value (like Workflow’s “input”) use this argument to override.


Prepend the passed text to the beginning of a draft identified by the UUID argument.
?uuid* =
The UUID identifier for a draft.
&text* =
Text to add.
Name of an action in the action list. If provided, this action will be run on the specified draft.
If an action parameter is provided, adding allowEmpty=false to the URL will prevent that action from running if the text is empty. This can be used to terminate a loop of x-callback-urls running on lines of a draft.
Name of a tag to attach to the draft. Parameter can appear multiple times to add more than one tag.


Append the passed text to the end of a draft identified by the UUID argument.
?uuid* =
The UUID identifier for a draft.
&text* =
Text to add.
Name of an action in the action list. If provided, this action will be run on the specified draft.
If an action parameter is provided, adding allowEmpty=false to the URL will prevent that action from running if the text is empty. This can be used to terminate a loop of x-callback-urls running on lines of a draft.
Name of a tag to attach to the draft. Parameter can appear multiple times to add more than one tag.

Repace Range

Replace content in an existing draft, based on a range.
?uuid* =
The UUID identifier for a draft.
&text* =
Text to insert in the specified range
&start* =
Start position of the range to replace.
&length* =
Number of characters in the range to replace.


Open drafts directly to the draft search field.
Initial text to use in the search.
Tag to use to filter the query.


Open drafts directly the draft list with a named workspace selected.
Name of a saved workspace to load.

Run Action

Run a drafts action on the passed text without saving that text to a draft.
?text* =
Text to add
Name of an action in the action list. If provided, this action will be run on the specified draft.
If an action parameter is provided, adding allowEmpty=false to the URL will prevent that action from running if the text is empty. This can be used to terminate a loop of x-callback-urls running on lines of a draft.


Open Drafts dictation interface. Pass the resulting dictated text to the x-success URL instead of saving it in Drafts.
Locale identifier to use for dictation, in the standard language-country abbreviated format. Examples: en-US (English-United States), it-IT (Italian-Italy), es-MX (Spanish-Mexico), etc. Any locale supported by Siri dictation can be used.
The name of the argument to use to pass the draft content back to the x-success URL. Defaults to “text”, but if the requesting app expects another value (like Workflow’s “input”) use this argument to override.


Open Drafts arrange interface. Pass the resulting arranged text to the x-success URL instead of saving it in Drafts.
?text* =
Text to arrange.
The name of the argument to use to pass the draft content back to the x-success URL. Defaults to “text”, but if the requesting app expects another value (like Workflow’s “input”) use this argument to override.


Launches Due on the iOS device with the add reminder view prefilled using information provided in the parameters described below.
The title for the reminder. If provided, the title of the reminder is filled up automatically and the keyboard will not be shown automatically.
The due date of the new reminder, expressed in number of seconds from the first instant of 1 January 1970, GMT. Use to set an absolute due date for the reminder. The ”duedate” is interpreted according to the optional ”timezone” value.
The due date of the new reminder, expressed in number of seconds from now. Use to set a relative due date for the reminder from now. Due would calculate a due date for the reminder based on this value. If ”duedate” is filled, Due would ignore the ”secslater”, ”minslater” and ”hourslater” parameters and set up the reminder’s due date based on the ”duedate” parameter only.
The due date of the new reminder, expressed in number of minutes from now. Use to set a relative due date for the reminder from now. Due would calculate a due date for the reminder based on this value. If ”duedate” is filled, Due would ignore the ”secslater”, ”minslater” and ”hourslater” parameters and set up the reminder’s due date based on the ”duedate” parameter only.
The due date of the new reminder, expressed in number of hours from now. Use to set a relative due date for the reminder from now. Due would calculate a due date for the reminder based on this value. If ”duedate” is filled, Due would ignore the ”secslater”, ”minslater” and ”hourslater” parameters and set up the reminder’s due date based on the ”duedate” parameter only.
The timezone used to interpret the dates provided in ”duedate” and ”recurfromdate” parameters, expressed as a string for use with ”[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:]” method. If unspecified, dates provided in the ”duedate” and ”recurfromdate” parameters are interpreted as absolute GMT times or Universal times.
The calendar interval (NSCalendarUnit) at which to repeat the reminder. Valid values are ”NSDayCalendarUnit” (16), ”NSWeekCalendarUnit” (256), ”NSMonthCalendarUnit” (8) and ”NSYearCalendarUnit” (4).
The frequency at which the recurrence rule repeats over the unit of time indicated in ”recurunit”. For example, a reminder with recurunit of NSWeekCalendarUnit (256) and recurfreq of 2 will repeat every 2 weeks. Valid values are 1-30. The default value is 1, ie. repeat every 1 of recurunit.
The date to start recurrence from (eg. every 3 days from this date), expressed in number of seconds from the first instant of 1 January 1970, GMT. Usually the same as the ”duedate”. If unspecified, the recurrence will be repeat-from-completion, eg. a yearly repeat-on-completion reminder will repeat again on June 1st, 2012 if the user completes it on June 1st, 2011, but will repeat on June 3rd, 2012 if the user only completes it on June 3rd, 2011.
A comma-separated list of days of the week. The day-of-week units corresponds to the integers 1 through 7 (where 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, 7 is Saturday) for weekly repeating reminders, but must be modified to the integers 8 through 42 to indicate the nth occurrence of the specific day-of-week within a monthly repeating reminder. The values 1 through 7 indicate all days of this type within the recurunit, and is only valid for use with weekly reminders. Monthly recurunit reminders require you to specify the nth occurrence of the day-of-week within the month. To indicate the nth occurrence, you need to add n*7 to the day-of-week unit (where n=1 through 4 indicates 1st through 4th occurences, and n=5 indicates the last occurrence within the month).
A single integer of value 1 or -1 that is used only in conjunction with a monthly ”recurunit” along with a valid ”recurbydays” to indicate either the nth occurrence of a day or weekday of the month. The first day of the month can be indicated with a recurbysetpos of value 1, with a recurbydays of values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.


Launches Due on the iOS device and searches for a query string in the specified section.
The string to search for when Due is launched.
The section to search in. Can either be 'Reminders', 'Timers' or 'Logbook'. If not provided, or if an invalid value is provided, the search will take place in Reminders.


Begin creating a new event with the given sentence.
Begin creating a new event with the given sentence.
The notes parameter can be added to specify a note with the event.
Set to 1 to automatically add an event - be careful!
Set to 1 to make this a reminder instead of an event.
When is the reminder due. Requires the format ”yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm”
The event title
The event location
A URL for the event
The start time of the event. Requires the format ”yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm”
The end time of the event. Requires the format ”yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm”
Set to 1 to make this an all day event


Jumps to the specified date.
The date to jump to. Supports the following formats
  • ”yyyy-mm-dd”
  • Natural language such as ”Tuesday” or ”next month”. Fantastical will do its best to show the date.
Jump to apps

Genshin Impact

Open Genshin

To launch Genshin.

Paste Clipboard

Paste clipboard into Gladys
A title to use to override the name of the item being pasted.
A comma-separated list of labels that will be added to the item that is being pasted.
Text to add as a note for the item being pasted.


Compose a mail.
The mail’s subject.
The mail’s body text.
The recipient.
The ”cc” recipient.
The ”bcc” recipient.

Display a map

Display the map at a specified zoom level and location. You can also overlay other views on top of your map, or display Street View imagery.
This is the map viewport center point. Formatted as a comma separated string of ”latitude,longitude”
Sets the kind of map shown. Can be set to: ”standard” or ”streetview”. If not specified, the current application settings will be used.
Turns specific views on/off. Can be set to: ”satellite”, ”traffic”, or ”transit”. Multiple values can be set using a comma-separator. If the parameter is specified with no value, then it will clear all views.
Specifies the zoom level of the map.


Display search queries in a specified viewport location.
The query string for your search.
This is the map viewport center point. Formatted as a comma separated string of ”latitude,longitude”
Sets the kind of map shown. Can be set to: ”standard” or ”streetview”. If not specified, the current application settings will be used.
Turns specific views on/off. Can be set to: ”satellite”, ”traffic”, or ”transit”. Multiple values can be set using a comma-separator. If the parameter is specified with no value, then it will clear all views.
Specifies the zoom level of the map.


Request and display directions between two locations.
Sets the starting point for directions searches. This can be a ”latitude,longitude” or a query formatted address. If it is a query string that returns more than one result, the first result will be selected. If the value is left blank, then the user’s current location will be used.
Sets the end point for directions searches. Has the same format and behavior as ”saddr”
Method of transportation. Can be set to.
  • driving
  • transit
  • bicyling
  • walking

Add Bookmark

Adds a bookmark with the given URL and title to the Bookmarks of iCab Mobile
?url* =
The URL to add as bookmark.
The title of the bookmark.

Add Filter

Creates a new filter. Without the type parameter, iCab defaults to “block”
?url* =
Filter URL. Can use wildcards “*”, “?” and “[abc]” to make the url filter valid for more than a single page.
  • off
  • block
  • load

Add Search Engine

Adds a new search engine to the list of search engines.
?url* =
Should include the string “%@” where the search term needs to be added
The name of the search engine

Add Reading List

Adds the page with the given URL and title to the Reading list
?url* =
The URL to add.
The title in the reading list.


Launches iCab and opens the search window, so the user can directly start entering a search term, if the search term is given, the search is started immediately.
The term to search for


Launches iCab in fullscreen mode.

Normal Mode

Launches iCab in normal mode.


Opens the page in the given destination and enters the fullscreen mode when requested. The URL “quickstarter:” can be used to open the Quickstarter page.
?url* =
The URL to open.
Where to open the URL. One of the following:
  • currentTab
  • backgroundTab
  • newTab
  • yes
  • no


Starts the download of the file at URL and uses the filename to save it in the download manager.
?url* =
The URL to download from.
Filename to save it in downloadmanager.
The referrer can be set, in case a web page only allows the download if it was initiated from a certain web page.


To launch IFTTT.

Open Infuse

Opens Infuse.

Play Video in Infuse

Plays the video from the provided URL in Infuse.
?url* =
URL encoded URL of a video to be played in Infuse
A URL that opens once the video has been played.
A URL that opens if the playback of the video failed.


Add the URL to Instapaper.
The URL to add.

Open Launcher

Open launcher app.
0-based index of widget page to open. Defaults to 0 which is the first Launcher widget.

Add New Launcher

Add a new launcher.
?name* =
The name for the new launcher.
&url* =
The URL to launch for the new launcher.
Base64-encoded icon for the new launcher. Should be at least 152x152 pixels. If not included, will try to use current image on clipboard.
0-based index of widget to add launcher to. Defaults to 0 which is the first launcher widget.
Jump to apps

Lovense Remote

Open Lovense Remote

To launch Lovense Remote.

Start Timer

?name* =
Timer label.
Board title.

Stop timer

?name* =
Timer label.
Board title.

Pause timer

?name* =
Timer label.
Board title.

Resume timer

?name* =
Timer label.
Board title.

Run command

?name* =
Command name.
Jump to apps

myQ Garage & Access Control

Open myQ

To launch myQ.

Show note

A direct link to a note. To get the identifier see the documentation url above.
?identifier* =
The identifier of the note


Add a task to OmniFocus
?name* =
The name of the action
An optional note
A base 64 encoded attachment file
The name of the attachment
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
date and time, like 'jun 25 8am'
date and time, like 'jun 25 8am'
case-insensitive match
case-insensitive match
Do children mark project complete?
  • true
  • false
30m for 30 minutes
  • true
  • false
  • fixed
  • start-after-completion
  • due-after-completion
date and time, like 'jun 25 8am'

Inbox perspective


Flagged perspective


Project perspective


Contexts perspective


Past forecast


Today forecast


Soon forecast



Create a new document.
The path to the folder in which you want to create the document.
The name for the document.
The content for the document. If not specified, the content of the clipboard will be used.


Replace content of a document.
The path to the document.
The content for the document. If not specified, the content of the clipboard will be used.

Replace Selection

Replace selected text in the current editing document.
The replacement text.


Return content of a document.
The path to the document.
The content will be passed to the x-success URL using this parameter name. Default value is ”text”.

Create Todo

Create a to-do list by separating lines of the text parameter. You can start a line with ”+” to indicate a completed todo.
The path to the folder in which you want to create the document.
The name for the document.
The content for the document. If not specified, the content of the clipboard will be used.

Open document

Create a new document.
The path to the document.


Append to an existing document.
The path to the document.
The content for the document. If not specified, the content of the clipboard will be used.


Prepend content to an existing document.
The path to the document.
The content for the document. If not specified, the content of the clipboard will be used.

Show options

Show the available options to open a given URL.
?url* =
Set to ”false” to make the app not perform any automatic actions on launch.

Show Store Product Details

Shows the details of an iTunes product within Opener (or Opener's action extension if open) in an ”SKStoreProductViewController” or an iOS store app.
?id* =
A numeric iTunes identifier for the product.


Open an outline.
?path* =
The path to the outline. Example: ”Inbox/Today”, ”Ideas/Business Idea”. Case sensitive.
  • iCloud
  • local


Create a new outline.
?text* =
Initial content
&group* =
The path to the group where the new outline is created. Example: ”Inbox”, ”Idea”, ”Research/Technology”.
The outline’s title
  • iCloud
  • local
  • markdown - default
  • richtext


Insert text into an existing outline.
?text* =
Initial content
&path* =
The path to the outline. Example: ”Inbox/Today”, ”Ideas/Business Idea”. Case sensitive.
  • iCloud
  • local
If specified, Outlinely will attempt to add text to section in the outline with the specified name.
  • append - default
  • prepend

Add Url

Subscribe to a new show under the given URL
It will parse the URL and find the associated podcast feed.

Show Explore

Open the Explore tab.

Show Favorite List

Open the Favorite tab.

Show Price Drop List

Open the Price Drop tab.

Show App Detail Using URL

Show the app detail using the App Store URL of the App.
?url* =
App Store URL

Show App Detail Using ID

Show the app detail using the App Store ID of the App.
?id* =
App Store ID

Import Apps

Import apps into Price Tag.
?ids* =
Commas separated list of App Store ID's


Searches Price Tag.
?key* =
URL encoded search parameters.
Type of search being performed. Defaults to iOS if not specified.
  • iOS - Search for iOS apps.
  • macOS - Search for macOS apps.
  • post - Search the posts.

Capture Text

Start Prizmo to take a picture and perform English OCR on it. The following options are supported:
language can be any ISO 639-1 language code (like en, fr, de) and will instruct which language should be picked in the OCR engine.
Destination can be either 'url' to send the captured text in the callback URL to the calling app, or 'pasteboard' to write the text in a pasteboard.
when destination is set to 'pasteboard', this option can be used to determine which pasteboard should be used (the default value is the general pasteboard).
This controls the cropping method used while taking the picture in Prizmo. Possible values are:
  • full - full screen (no cropping)
  • oneline - thin capture line into the picture (for single line of text)
  • manual - the last chosen opening
  • detect - live page detection while shooting
The resulting text is passed as the ”text” argument if destination is set to ”url” (see above).

Read Text

Will read the provided text with the Ryan voice in Prizmo Voice Reader.
?text* =
The text to read in Prizmo Voice Reader.
The voice that should be used to read the text. The voice should have been previously installed by the user.
if a specific voice is not set, the language can be specified. It will pick the first available voice for that language.

Running code

Run the passed Python code.
?code* =
Python code to execute.


URL encoded JavaScript to run. Either script or file parameter is required
Used to execute JavaScript files stored in the local documents folder or at a remote location. Files ending with .js will be handled as script file. Files ending with .html will be rendered as web page and RunJavaScript API will be injected. Any http resource will be rendered as web page and RunJavaScript API will be injected. Either script or file parameter is required
value will be set as the origin of execution environment. It is useful while making REST calls to remote servers.
Input data to be used by the script. Input can be text (URL encoded), JSON (URL encoded) or other format.
Parameter name used as input. If provided input data will be retrieved from parameter named by inputName.

Open Scriptable

Opens Scriptable.

Add Script

Add a new script.

Open Script

Add a new script.
?scriptName* =
URL Encoded name of the script to be opened.
Indicates if the script settings should be opened.
  • true - Script settings will be opened.
  • false - Script settings will not be opened.

Run Script

Run a script.
?scriptName* =
URL Encoded name of the script to be run.

Show All Lists

Ensure the main display is showing the view showing all shopping lists.

Show List

Show a specific list.
?name* =
The list name.

Create List

Create a new list
?name* =
The list name.

Add List Item

Add an item to a list (or the currently displayed list if not specified).
?list* =
The name of the list to add this item to.
&name* =
The name of the item to add.
How many.
Should the item be crossed (”yes”) or not (”no”)

Clear List Items

Clear items from a list.
?name* =
The list name.
Only clear crossed items when set to “yes”.

Open Shortcuts

Launch the app to the state when it was last used.

Create a New Shortcut

Jump to the shortcut editor and to create a new, empty shortcut.

Open a Shortcut

Launch the app to a particular shortcut in your collection.
?name* =
The name of the shortcut

Run a Shortcut

This functionality may be useful in automation systems that extend beyond Shortcuts itself, so that other apps can run a shortcut in your collection. Or you could use the Shortcuts URL scheme in a task manager like OmniFocus or Todoist for running a shortcut as one step in a project.
?name* =
The name of the shortcut to run
This value determines what will be provided as input to the beginning of the shortcut.
  • ”text” - the input given by the parameter ”text” will be used as input.
  • ”clipboard” - the contents of the clipboard will be used as input.
When the ”input” parameter is set to ”text” this text is used as input to the shortcut.
A URL that opens when the run was successful. A parameter named result is appended to the URL and contains the textual output of the shortcut.
  • result - the textual output of the shortcut.
A URL that opens when the run is canceled by the user. Because the shortcut did not complete, no output from the shortcut is provided.
A URL that opens when the run fails because an error occurred. A parameter named errorMessage is appended to the URL and contains a description of the error.
  • errorMessage - a description of the error.

Import a Shortcut

You can import .shortcut files into the Shortcuts app and add them to your collection. This is useful, for example, if you want to share a shortcut online and provide a link for others to quickly add it to their library.
?url* =
A URL pointing to the .shortcut file you want to import.
A title for the new shortcut. If you don’t provide a name, the shortcut filename is used.
By default, the imported shortcut is opened and displayed to the user. Set this parameter to ”true” to import without opening the shortcut.
A URL that opens when the import was successful. A parameter named result is appended to the URL and contains the textual output of the shortcut.
  • result - the textual output of the shortcut.
A URL that opens when the import is canceled by the user.
A URL that opens when the import fails because an error occurred. A parameter named errorMessage is appended to the URL and contains a description of the error.
  • errorMessage - a description of the error.

Open Gallery

Open Shortcuts on the main page of the Gallery.

Search Gallery

Search the gallery
?query* =
URL-encoded keywords to be searched in the Gallery.


Open a new email draft in Spark
Enter the subject line for the new email message
Enter the body text for the new email message
Enter the email addresses—separated by commas—for the To field of the new email message


Add a new project.
?title* =
the title of the project

project (by title)

Open an existing project by title.
?title* =
the title of the project
a tab to open within the project
  • characters
  • locations
  • scenes
  • plots

project (by identifier)

Open an existing project by identifier. You can get the identifier within the project by opening export options and choosing "Copy identifier".
?id* =
the identifier of the project
a tab to open within the project
  • characters
  • locations
  • scenes
  • plots


?title* =
name of an existing tally


Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and call the x-success parameter URL with the current value of the tally added as a parameter.
?title* =
the name of an existing tally
the name of the "value" parameter appended to the x-success callback
The following parameters will be added:
  • title - the incoming title parameter
  • value - the value of the tally after the action is completed
fired if Tally is unable to locate the requested tally


Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and increment it. Increment will be based on the configuration of the tally – so if it is set to step by 5, the increment will be by five.
?title* =
the name of an existing tally
the name of the "value" parameter appended to the x-success callback
The following parameters will be added:
  • title - the incoming title parameter
  • value - the value of the tally after the action is completed
fired if Tally is unable to locate the requested tally


Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and decrement it. Decrement will be based on the configuration of the tally – so if it is set to step by 5, the decrement will be by five.
?title* =
the name of an existing tally
the name of the "value" parameter appended to the x-success callback
The following parameters will be added:
  • title - the incoming title parameter
  • value - the value of the tally after the action is completed
fired if Tally is unable to locate the requested tally


Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and reset it to it's initial value.
?title* =
the name of an existing tally
the name of the "value" parameter appended to the x-success callback
The following parameters will be added:
  • title - the incoming title parameter
  • value - the value of the tally after the action is completed
fired if Tally is unable to locate the requested tally


Launch Terminology and lookup the text, just as if the user had searched for and selected the text from inside Terminology.
?text* =
The text to lookup. Can be a single word, or a text selection.
The name of a valid action in either the top or bottom actions list in Terminology. If present, the lookup will open directly to the action as if the action were triggered on the lookup term.
A friendly name for the app making the call. It will be displayed to the user to identify the request.
The URL to use to return the user to the calling application. If provided, the user will get a dialog to allow them to easily return to the calling app after viewing the definition.


Launches Terminology directly to search for the value of the text parameter.
?text* =
The text to lookup. Can be a single word, or a text selection.

New File

Create a new file in the local file system or in iCloud. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.
  • local - default
  • iCloud
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the root folder.
The name of the file to create. If a file with that name already exists, Textastic will append a number to the file name to make it unique. If not specified, a file name will be generated by Textastic.
The text to insert into the new file.
The snippet to insert. If both the ”snippet” and the ”text” parameter are present, only the ”snippet” parameter will be used.

Open File

Open an existing file in the local file system or in iCloud. If the file doesn’t exist, calls the url from the x-error parameter.
  • local - default
  • iCloud
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the root folder.
The name of the file to open.


Open an existing file or create a new file and append text. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.
  • local - default
  • iCloud
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the root folder.
The name of the file to open. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.
The text to append to the file.
The snippet to append to the file. If both the ”snippet” and the ”text” parameter are present, only the ”snippet” parameter will be used.


Open an existing file or create a new file and replace its contents with the specified text. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.
  • local - default
  • iCloud
The directory path. If not specified, defaults to the root folder.
The name of the file to open. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.
The text to insert into the file after its contents are deleted.
The snippet to insert into the file after its contents are deleted. If both the ”snippet” and the ”text” parameter are present, only the ”snippet” parameter will be used.


Creates a new document.
The initial text for the new document.


Appends text to the current (frontmost) document, if this is an editable text document.
The text to append.


Add a to-do.
String. The title of the to-do to add. Ignored if titles is also specified.
String separated by new lines (encoded to ”%0a”). Use instead of ”title” to create multiple to-dos. Takes priority over ”title” and ”show-quick-entry”. The other parameters are applied to all the created to-dos.
String. The text to use for the notes field of the to-do. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Using a date time string adds a reminder for that time. The time component is ignored if anytime or someday is specified. Possible values:
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • evening
  • anytime
  • someday
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy-mm-dd@HH:MM
The deadline to apply to the to-do.
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • yyyy-mm-dd
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
String separated by new lines (encoded to ”%0a”). Checklist items to add to the to-do (maximum of 100).
String. The ID of a project or area to add to. Takes precedence over ”list”.
String. The title of a project or area to add to. Ignored if list-id is present.
String. The title of a heading within a project to add to. Ignored if a project is not specified, or if the heading doesn't exist.
Boolean. Whether or not the to-do should be set to complete. Default: ”false”. Ignored if ”canceled” is also set to ”true”.
Boolean. Whether or not the to-do should be set to canceled. Default: ”false”. Takes priority over “completed”.
Boolean. Whether or not to show the quick entry dialog (populated with the provided data) instead of adding a new to-do. Ignored if ”titles” is specified. Default: ”false”.
Boolean. Whether or not to navigate to and show the newly created to-do. If multiple to-dos have been created, the first one will be shown. Ignored if ”show-quick-entry” is also set to ”true”. Default: ”false”.
ISO8601 date time string. The date to set as the creation date for the to-do in the database. Ignored if the date is in the future.
ISO8601 date time string. The date to set as the completion date for the to-do in the database. Ignored if the to-do is not completed or canceled, or if the date is in the future.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameter:
  • x-things-id - Comma separated string. The IDs of the to-dos created.

Add Project

Add a project.
String. The title of the project.
String. The text to use for the notes field of the project. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Using a date time string adds a reminder for that time. The time component is ignored if anytime or someday is specified. Possible values:
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • evening
  • anytime
  • someday
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy-mm-dd@HH:MM
The deadline to apply to the to-do.
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • yyyy-mm-dd
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
String. The ID of an area to add to. Takes precedence over ”area”.
String. The title of an area to add to. Ignored if ”area-id” is present.
String separated by new lines (encoded to ”%0a”). Titles of to-dos to create inside the project.
Boolean. Whether or not the project should be set to complete. Default: ”false”. Ignored if ”canceled” is also set to ”true”.
Boolean. Whether or not the project should be set to canceled. Default: ”false”. Takes priority over “completed”.
Boolean. Whether or not to navigate into the newly created project. Default: ”false”.
ISO8601 date time string. The date to set as the creation date for the project in the database. If the ”to-dos” parameter is also specified, this date is applied to them, too. Ignored if the date is in the future.
ISO8601 date time string. The date to set as the completion date for the project in the database. If the ”to-dos” parameter is also specified, this date is applied to them, too. Ignored if the to-do is not completed or canceled, or if the date is in the future.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameter:
  • x-things-id - The ID of the project created.


Update an existing to-do.
?auth-token* =
String. The Things URL scheme authorization token.
&id* =
String. The ID of the to-do to update.
String. The title of the to-do. This will replace the existing title.
String. The notes of the to-do. This will replace the existing notes. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Text to add before the existing notes of a to-do. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Text to add after the existing notes of a to-do. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Using a date time string adds a reminder for that time. The time component is ignored if anytime or someday is specified. This field cannot be updated on repeating to-dos. Possible values:
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • evening
  • anytime
  • someday
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy-mm-dd@HH:MM
The deadline to apply to the to-do.
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • yyyy-mm-dd
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Replaces all current tags. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Adds the specified tags to a to-do. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
”\n” (encoded to ”%0a”) separated strings. Set the checklist items of the to-do (maximum of 100). Will replace all existing checklist items.
”\n” (encoded to ”%0a”) separated strings. Add checklist items to the front of the list of checklist items in the to-do (maximum of 100). Will replace all existing checklist items.
”\n” (encoded to ”%0a”) separated strings. Add checklist items to the end of the list of checklist items in the to-do (maximum of 100). Will replace all existing checklist items.
String. The ID of a project or area to move the to-do into. Takes precedence over ”list”.
String. The title of a project or area to move the to-do into. Ignored if list-id is present.
String. The title of a heading within a project to move the to-do to. Ignored if the to-do is not in a project with the specified heading. Can be used together with ”list” or ”list-id”.
Boolean. Complete a to-do or set a to-do to incomplete. Ignored if ”canceled” is also set to ”true”. Setting ”completed=false” on a canceled to-do will also mark it as incomplete. This field cannot be updated on repeating to-dos.
Boolean. Cancel a to-do or set a to-do to incomplete. Takes priority over ”completed”. Setting ”canceled=false” on a completed to-do will also mark it as incomplete. This field cannot be updated on repeating to-dos.
Boolean. Whether or not to navigate to and show the updated to-do. Default: ”false”.
Boolean. Set to ”true” to duplicate the to-do before updating it, leaving the original to-do untouched. Repeating to-dos cannot be duplicated. Default: ”false”.
ISO8601 date time string. Set the creation date for the to-do in the database. Ignored if the date is in the future.
ISO8601 date time string. Set the completion date for the to-do in the database. Ignored if the to-do is not completed or canceled, or if the date is in the future. This field cannot be updated on repeating to-dos.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameter:
  • x-things-id - String. The ID of the to-do updated.

Update Project

Update an existing project.
?auth-token* =
String. The Things URL scheme authorization token.
&id* =
String. The ID of the project to update.
String. The title of the project. This will replace the existing title.
String. The notes of the project. This will replace the existing notes. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Text to add before the existing notes of a project. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Text to add after the existing notes of a project. Maximum unencoded length: 10,000 characters.
String. Set the when field of a project. Including a time adds a reminder for that time. The time component is ignored if ”someday” is specified. This field cannot be updated on repeating projects. Possible values:
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • evening
  • anytime
  • someday
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy-mm-dd@HH:MM
Date string. The deadline to apply to the project. This field cannot be updated on repeating projects.
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Replaces all current tags. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags. Adds the specified tags to a project. Does not apply a tag if the specified tag doesn’t exist.
String. The ID of an area to move the project into. Takes precedence over ”area”.
String. The title of an area to move the project into. Ignored if ”area-id” is present.
Boolean. Complete a project or set a project to incomplete. Ignored if ”canceled” is also set to ”true”. Setting to ”true” will be ignored unless all child to-dos are completed or canceled and all child headings archived. Setting to ”false” on a canceled project will mark it as incomplete. This field cannot be updated on repeating projects.
Boolean. Cancel a project or set a project to incomplete. Takes priority over ”completed”. Setting to ”true” will be ignored unless all child to-dos are completed or canceled and all child headings archived. Setting to ”false” on a completed project will mark it as incomplete. This field cannot be updated on repeating projects.
Boolean. Whether or not to navigate to and show the updated project. Default: ”false”
Boolean. Set to ”true” to duplicate the project before updating it, leaving the original project untouched. Repeating projects cannot be duplicated. Default: ”false”.
ISO8601 date time string. Set the creation date for the project in the database. Ignored if the date is in the future.
ISO8601 date time string. Set the completion date for the project in the database. Ignored if the project is not completed or canceled, or if the date is in the future. This field cannot be updated on repeating to-dos.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameter:
  • x-things-id - String. The ID of the project updated.


Navigate to and show an area, project, tag or to-do, or one of the built-in lists, optionally filtering by one or more tags.
String. The ID of an area, project, tag or to-do to show; or one of the following built-in list IDs:
  • inbox
  • today
  • anytime
  • upcoming
  • someday
  • logbook
String. The name of an area, project, tag or a built-in list to show. This is equivalent to entering the query text in to the quick find within Things and selecting the first result. Ignored if ”id” is also set. Note: task cannot be shown using the query parameter; use the ”id” parameter or the ”search” command instead.
String. Comma separated strings corresponding to the titles of tags that the list should be filtered by.


Invoke and show the search screen.
String. The search query.


The version of the Things app and URL scheme.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameters:
  • x-things-scheme-version - String. The version of the Things URL scheme.
  • x-things-client-version - String. The build number of the app.


Things also has an advanced, JSON-based add command that allows more control over the projects and to-dos imported into Things. This command is intended to be used by app developers or other people familiar with scripting or programming.
String. The Things URL scheme authorization token. This is required whenever the provided JSON data contains an ”update” operation.
JSON string. The JSON should be an array containing ”to-do” and ”project” objects.
Boolean. Whether or not to navigate to and show the newly created to-do or project. If multiple items have been created, the first one will be shown. Default: ”false”.
The x-success callback will be called with the follwoing parameter:
  • x-things-ids - JSON string. An array of IDs of the to-dos and projects created that were specified in the top level JSON array. The IDs of the to-dos created inside projects are not returned.

Add Event

The title of the event
The date of the event
  • Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • Special strings ”today” or ”tomorrow”
  • Upcoming weekday name (long or short) such as ”monday”, ”tuesday”, ”wed”, etc. Is specific to the language set by the device. Always specifies the next upcoming day with this name.

Open Event

Open Timepage and show a specified event.
The event identifier
  • special identifiert ”next”
  • event_id

Open Event Map

Open Timepage and show a specified event on the map
The event identifier
  • special identifiert ”next”
  • event_id

Open Day

Open Timepage and show a specified day.
Day can be specified as either:
  • Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • Special strings ”today” or ”tomorrow”
  • Upcoming weekday name (long or short) such as ”monday”, ”tuesday”, ”wed”, etc. Is specific to the language set by the device. Always specifies the next upcoming day with this name.

Open Week

Open Timepage and show a specified week
The week to open to. Can be one of
  • ”this” - This week
  • ”next” - Next week
  • index - specifies an offset to the current week. For example, when opening a specific week, index 0=this week, 1=next week, -1=last week, etc.

Open Month

Open Timepage and show a specified month
The month to open to. Can be one of
  • ”this” - This week
  • ”next” - Next week
  • index - specifies an offset to the current month. For example, when opening a specific month, index 0=this month, 1=next month, -1=last month, etc.

Open Weather For A Day

Open Timepage and show weather for a specified day.
Day can be specified as either:
  • Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • Special strings ”today” or ”tomorrow”
  • Upcoming weekday name (long or short) such as ”monday”, ”tuesday”, ”wed”, etc. Is specific to the language set by the device. Always specifies the next upcoming day with this name.

Open Weather For A Week

Open Timepage and show weather for a specified week.
The week to open to. Can be one of
  • ”this” - This week
  • ”next” - Next week
  • index - specifies an offset to the current week. For example, when opening a specific week, index 0=this week, 1=next week, -1=last week, etc.


Open Timepage and show search results for the specified search terms.
Search term to search for.

Get Event

Get a specified event and return its details via a specified callback URL.
The event identifier
  • special identifiert ”next”
  • event_id
Your x-success callback will be called with the following parameters
  • start - start of the event as <yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm>
  • end - end of the event as <yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm>
  • title - event title
  • location - event location


Opens Todoist.

Open Today

Opens the today view.

Open Next 7 Days

Opens the next 7 days view.

Open Profile

Opens the profile view.

Open Inbox

Opens the inbox view.

Open Team Inbox

Opens the team inbox view. If the user doesn’t have a business account (access to team inbox), it will show an alert saying that he/she doesn’t have access to the team inbox because he/she doesn’t have a business account and will be redirected automatically to the inbox view.

Add Task

Opens the add task view to add a new task to Todoist.
The content of the task, which should be a string that in Percent-encoding (also known as URL encoding).
The due date of the task, which should be a string that in Percent-encoding (also known as URL encoding). Look at our reference to see which formats are supported.
The priority of the task (a number between 1 and 4, 4 for very urgent and 1 for natural). Note: Keep in mind that very urgent is the priority 1 on clients. So, p1 will return 4 in the API.


Opens the projects view (shows all projects).

Open Project

Opens a specific project using the id of the project.
?id* =
The id of the project to view. If the id doesn’t exist, you don’t have access to the project, or the value is empty, an alert will be showed and the user will be redirected to the projects view.


Opens the labels view (shows all labels).

Open Label

Opens a specific label using the id of the label.
?id* =
The id of the label to view. If the id doesn’t exist, you don’t have access to the label, or the value is empty, an alert will be showed and the user will be redirected to the labels view.


Opens the filters view (shows all filters).

Open Filter

Opens a specific filter using the id of the filter.
?id* =
The id of the filter to view. If the id doesn’t exist, you don’t have access to the filter, or the value is empty, an alert will be showed and the user will be redirected to the filters view.


Used to search in the Todoist application.
?query* =
The query to search in the Todoist application, which should be a string that is in Percent-encoding (also known as URL encoding).

Show Board

Links to a board.
board id. Use this or the ”shortlink”
board shortlink. (can be with or without the ”https://trello.com/b/” prefix). Use this or the ”id”

Show Cards

Links to a card.
card id. Use this or the ”shortlink”
card shortlink. (can be with or without the ”https://trello.com/c/” prefix). Use this or the ”id”

Create Board

Creates a new board.
Name for the board.
Name of the organization in which to create the board.
Permission level to set
  • ”private”
  • ”public - default”
  • ”organization”
The callback will be called with the following parameters:
  • id - the board id
  • shortlink - the board shortlink suffix

Create Card

Creates a new card in a specified board.
bord id. Use this or the ”shortlink”
bord shortlink. (can be with or without the ”https://trello.com/b/” prefix). Use this or the ”id”
The name of the new card.
The description text to attach to the card.
id of the list within the specified board in which to insert the card (Default: First list)
Interpreted as a boolean (”0”, ”1”, ”true”, ”false”, etc.) that indicates whether the contents of the pasteboard should be included.
The callback will be called with the following parameters:
  • id - the card id
  • shortlink - the card shortlink suffix

Show ”All” Focus List


Show ”Today” Focus List


Show ”Starred” Focus List


Show ”Scheduled” Focus List


Show List

Show List with a given name.
The name of the list.

Add New Task

Launch the app with the New Task Screen.
Should the ”Ignore Due Date Defaults” be ignored
  • 0 - apply any default due date / time settings in app.
  • 1 - ignore default dates / times.


Launch the app with Search pre filled.
The text to search for. Can be just text or something like ”type:overdue”

Get Task Unique Identifier

Returns the internally used unique identifier for the task. x-success is filled with the a key named ”uid”
Known task’s title.
The list containing the task.
Should the UID be saved in the clipboard.
  • 0 - No.
  • 1 - Yes.

Paste Text

Turn text into tasks.
?text* =
The text to paste
Title of a project to paste into.
List that contains the project

Add Task

Title of the taks
Type of taks to create.
  • 0 - Task (default)
  • 1 - Project
  • 2 - Checklist
Name of an existing list in app, case-insensitive. Default list or the currently visible list on screen is selected if not used.
The name of the project or checklist you wish to add this task to. When using this parameter, you must also provide the name of the List this project belongs to, by using the forList parameter.
:The internally used, unique identifier of a task. If supplied, this task will be added as a sub-task to the parent task. If the parent task was previously created as a normal task (vs. a project or a checklist), the parent task will automatically be converted into a project for you.
Notes for the task
  • 0 (none)
  • 1 (low)
  • 2 (medium)
  • 3 (high)
  • 0 (no)
  • 1 (yes)
Comma separated list of tags to assign to the task.
Comma separated list of locations to assign to the task.
Due Date. Supports the format below:
  • yyyy-MM-dd - Sets on the date on default due time (based on your settings, unless due time is specified separately or ignoreDefaults is set to 1)
  • Any number - Number of days from Today, starting from 0. e.g. 0 = Today, 1 = Tomorrow and so on
Due Time. Supports format HH:mm or hh:mm am/pm.
Start Date and time. Supports the format below:
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm - Sets on the start date on the date and time specified
  • Any number - Number of days from Today, starting from 0. e.g. 0 = Today, 1 = Tomorrow and so on
  • 1 (daily)
  • 2 (weekly)
  • 3 (bi-weekly)
  • 4 (monthly)
Supports the following formats:
  • call:<number> - Add a Call action to call the specified number.
  • message:<number> - Add a Message action to message the specified number.
  • mail:<email> - Add a Email action to email the specified email address.
  • url:<url> - Add a Browse action to visit the specified URL address.
  • visit:<address> - Add a Visit action to visit the specified address.
  • google:<search term> - Add a Google action to search the specified keyword.
This can be one of two things:
  • lastphoto - 2Do will grab the most recent photo placed on your camera roll.
  • A base64 encoded string.
Prvide a base64 encoded audio attachment
  • 0 (apply any default due date / time setting in app)
  • 1 (ignore default dates / times)
  • 0 (add a task without allowing you to edit)
  • 1 (show pre-filled in a Quick Entry window)
The newly created task’s unique identifier (UID) will be saved in the clipboard for easier retrieval.
  • 0 (no)
  • 1 (yes)

New Sheet

Creates a new sheet.
The contents that should be inserted to the new sheet. Contents are imported as Markdown by default.
Specifies the group the new sheet should be inserted to. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • A group name (e.g. My Group) that will match the first group having the same name, regardless of its position in the group hierarchy.
  • A path to a particular target group (e.g. /My Group/My Subgroup). Any path must begin with a slash.
  • A unique identifier of the target group.
  • If no value is given, the sheet is created inside the Inbox.
Specifies the format of the imported text. One of:
  • markdown - the default
  • text
  • html
The position of the new sheet in its parent group. Use 0 to make it the first sheet.

New Group

Creates a new group.
The name of the group to be created
Specifies the parent group the new group should be inserted to. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • A group name (e.g. My Group) that will match the first group having the same name, regardless of its position in the group hierarchy.
  • A path to a particular target group (e.g. /My Group/My Subgroup). Any path must begin with a slash.
  • A unique identifier of the target group.
  • If no value is given, the group is created inside the top level group.
The position of the new group in its parent group. Use 0 to make it the first group.


Inserts or appends text to a sheet.
The identifier of the sheet the text should be inserted to.
The contents that should be inserted to the new sheet. Must be URL-encoded. Contents are imported as Markdown by default.
Specifies the format of the imported text. One of:
  • markdown - the default
  • text
  • html
Optional. Set ”begin” or ”end” in order to insert text at the beginning of a document. If not given, the text is appended.
Specifies how newlines should be inserted to the text:
  • prepend - prepend the inserted text by a newline.
  • append - append the inserted text with a newline.
  • enclose - enclose the entire text with newlines.

Attach Note

Creates a new note attachment on a sheet.
The identifier of the sheet the text should be inserted to.
The contents that should be inserted to the new sheet. Must be URL-encoded. Contents are imported as Markdown by default.
Specifies the format of the imported text. One of:
  • markdown - the default
  • text
  • html

Update Note

Changes an existing note attachment on a sheet. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the sheet the text should be inserted to.
The contents that should be inserted to the new sheet. Must be URL-encoded. Contents are imported as Markdown by default.
Specifies the format of the imported text. One of:
  • markdown - the default
  • text
  • html
The position of the note to change. Use 0 for the first note, 1 for the second note, and so on.

Remove Note

Removes a note attachment from a sheet. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the sheet from which a note should be removed.
The position of the note to remove. Use 0 for the first note, 1 for the second note, and so on.

Attach Image

Creates a new image attachment on a sheet.
The identifier of the sheet the image should be attached to.
The image data that should be used. The data must use base64 encoding. Make sure that the base64-encoded data is also URL encoded.
The format of the provided image (use an image path extension, like png, pdf, jpg, raw, gif).
A filename the image format should be detected from. Either the argument format or filename must be provided.

Attach Keywords

Adds one or more keywords to a sheet.
The identifier of the sheet the keywords should be attached to.
A comma separated list of keywords that should be attached to the sheet.

Remove Keywords

Removes one or more keywords from a sheet. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the sheet the keywords should be removed from.
A comma separated list of keywords that should be removed from the sheet.

Set Group Title

Changes the title of a group. Requires authorization.
The group for which the title should be changed. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • A group name (e.g. My Group) that will match the first group having the same name, regardless of its position in the group hierarchy.
  • A path to a particular target group (e.g. /My Group/My Subgroup). Any path must begin with a slash.
  • A unique identifier of the target group.
The new title

Set Sheet Title

Changes the first paragraph of a sheet. Requires authorization. If the sheet has a first paragraph with the requested type, the paragraph contents will be changed (a heading replaces any existing heading). Otherwise, a new paragraph with the requested type and contents will be inserted at the beginning of the sheet.
The identifier of the sheet for which the title should be changed.
The type of paragraph to use for the title. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • ”heading1”, ..., ”heading6” - to use a heading paragraph.
  • ”comment” - to use a comment paragraph.
  • ”filename” - to use a filename paragraph such as ”@: My Filename”. Only applies to sheets in external folders.
The new title


Moves an item (sheet or group) to a target group and/or to a new position. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the item (sheet or group) that should be moved.
Optional if ”index” is set. The group where the item should be moved. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • A group name (e.g. My Group) that will match the first group having the same name, regardless of its position in the group hierarchy.
  • A path to a particular group (e.g. /My Group/My Subgroup). Any path must begin with a slash.
  • A unique identifier of a sheet or group that should be opened. If the parameter is not set, the item will be moved inside of its current parent group.
Optional if ”targetGroup” is set. The position of the item in its target group. Use 0 to make it the first item.


Copies an item (sheet or group) to a target group and/or to a new position.
The identifier of the item (sheet or group) that should be copied.
Optional if ”index” is set. The group where the item should be copied. This argument can be set to one of the following values:
  • A group name (e.g. My Group) that will match the first group having the same name, regardless of its position in the group hierarchy.
  • A path to a particular group (e.g. /My Group/My Subgroup). Any path must begin with a slash.
  • A unique identifier of a sheet or group that should be opened. If the parameter is not set, the item will be moved inside of its current parent group.
Optional if ”targetGroup” is set. The position of the item in its target group. Use 0 to make it the first item.


Moves an item (sheet or group) to the trash. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the item (sheet or group) that should be moved to the trash.

Get Item (Group)

Retrieves information about a group. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the group for which to retrieve information.
Determines whether the result should include all sub-groups of the group. The allowed values are:
  • ”YES” - the default
  • ”NO”
The ”x-success” callback retrieves an argument ”item”. The value is a URL-encoded JSON object providing information on the requested group with the following structure.
  • title - The title of the group.
  • type - The type of the item. This can be ”group”, ”filter” or ”trash”.
  • identifier - The identifier of the group
  • hasLifetimeIdentifier - hether the identifier stays the same even if the group is moved or renamed. ”true” for items that are stored in the sections “iCloud” or “On My Mac” / “On My iPad”. ”false” for items in external folders or Dropbox.
  • containers - the item descriptions for all child groups of this group. Will be empty if the parameter ”recursive” was set to ”NO”.
  • sheets - The item descriptions for all sheets of this group. Will be empty for filters.

Get Item (Sheet)

Retrieves information about a sheet. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the item sheet for which to retrieve information.
The ”x-success” callback retrieves an argument ”item”. The value is a URL-encoded JSON object providing information on the requested sheet with the following structure.
  • title - The title of the sheet.
  • titleType - The markup type of the title. Will be set to ”heading1”…”heading6”, ”comment” if the title is a heading or comment. Will be set to ”filename” on external folders or Dropbox if the title is the sheet’s filename (e.g. ”@: My Filname”). If no title is given this vlaue is set to ”null”.
  • type - The type of the item (always ”sheet”)
  • identifier - The identifier of the sheet.
  • hasLifetimeIdentifier - hether the identifier stays the same even if the group is moved or renamed. ”true” for items that are stored in the sections “iCloud” or “On My Mac” / “On My iPad”. ”false” for items in external folders or Dropbox.
  • changeToken - A value that identifies the current verison of the sheet. The change token will have a different value whenever the sheet changes.
  • modificationDate - The timestamp when the sheet was last modified. The timestamp is given as the number of seconds relative to ”00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2001.”
  • creationDate - The timestamp when the sheet was last created.

Get Root Items

Retrieves information about the root sections. Can be used to get a full listing of the entire Ulysses library. Requires authorization.
Determines whether the result should be a deep listing of the entire Ulysses library. The allowed values are ”YES” and ”NO”. Defaults to ”YES”.
The ”x-success” callback retrieves an argument ”items”. The value is a URL-encoded JSON array. It contains an info object for each section such as „iCloud”, „On My iPad”, and one for each external folder.

Read Sheet

Retrieves the contents (text, notes, keywords) of a sheet. Requires authorization.
The identifier of the sheet that should be read.
Determines whether the full text of the sheet should be included in the result. The allowed values are ”YES” and ”NO”. Defaults to ”NO”.
The ”x-success” callback retrieves an argument ”sheet”. The value is a URL-encoded JSON object. It has the following structure:
  • title - The title of the sheet.
  • titleType - The markup type of the title. Will be set to ”heading1”…”heading6”, ”comment” if the title is a heading or comment. Will be set to ”filename” on external folders or Dropbox if the title is the sheet’s filename (e.g. ”@: My Filname”). If no title is given this vlaue is set to ”null”.
  • type - The type of the item (always ”sheet”)
  • identifier - The identifier of the sheet.
  • hasLifetimeIdentifier - hether the identifier stays the same even if the group is moved or renamed. ”true” for items that are stored in the sections “iCloud” or “On My Mac” / “On My iPad”. ”false” for items in external folders or Dropbox.
  • changeToken - A value that identifies the current verison of the sheet. The change token will have a different value whenever the sheet changes.
  • modificationDate - The timestamp when the sheet was last modified. The timestamp is given as the number of seconds relative to ”00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2001.”
  • creationDate - The timestamp when the sheet was last created.
  • text - The sheets content encoded as Markdown. This is only available if the ”text” parameter was set to ”YES”.
  • keywords - The keywords of the sheet as an array of strings.
  • notes - The notes of the sheet as an array of strings. All notes are encoded as Markdown.
Opens an item (sheet or group) with a particular identifier in Ulysses.

Open All

Opens the special “All” group

Open Recent

Opens the special “Last 7 days” group

Open Favorites

Opens the special “Favorites” group


Plays the stream provided by the ”url” parameter
The URL to stream


Download the file provided by the ”url” parameter
The URL to stream
VLC will store the file under the given filename.

Open Workflow

Launch the app to the state when it was last used.

Create A New Workflow

Jump to My Workflows and create an empty new workflow.

Open A Workflow

Launch the app to a particular workflow in your collection.
The name of the workflow

Run A Workflow

This functionality may be useful in automation systems that extend beyond Workflow itself, so other apps can run a workflow in your collection. Or, you could utilize this URL in a task manager like OmniFocus or Todoist for running a workflow as one step in a project.
The name of the workflow
This value determines what will be provided as input to the beginning of the workflow.
  • ”text” - the input given by the parameter ”text” will be used as input.
  • ”clipboard” - the contents of the clipboard will be used as input.
When the ”input” parameter is set to ”text” this text is used as input to the workflow.
When the run was successful the callback will be called with
  • result - the textual output of the workflow.
When there was an error the callback will be called with
  • errorMessage - a description of the error.

Import A Workflow

Workflow also has the ability to accept .wflow files and import them into My Workflows. This is useful, for example, if you would like to share a workflow online and provide a link for others to instantly add it to their library.
A URL pointing to the .wflow file you want to import.
What to name the new workflow. If not provided, the workflow filename is used.
By default, the imported workflow will be opened and displayed to the user. Set this parameter to ”true” to import without opening the workflow.
When the run was successful the callback will be called with
  • result - the textual output of the workflow.
When there was an error the callback will be called with
  • errorMessage - a description of the error.

Open Gallery

Open workflow on the main page of the gallery.

Search Gallery

Search the gallery
The query to search for

Writing files

Write to existing or new files.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
Repository name or remote URL of repository. You will have to pick a repository if this parameter is missing.
Path of file written to relative to repository root without leading slash. You are asked to pick/create a file if this parameter is missing.
Text written to file. The text parameter is transferred as UTF-8 but will be written in the encoding of the existing file or UTF-8 for new files. If you do not include either a text or base64 parameter the clipboard content is written.
Binary data written to file in base64 format. If you do not include either a text or base64 parameter the clipboard content is written.
Ask to commit and push after writing.
  • 0 - default : do not ask to commit
  • 1 : ask to commit and push the file
Append to existing file instead of overwriting.
  • 0 - default : text, base64 or clipboard content replaces existing file
  • 1 : text, base64 or clipboard content is appended to existing file
To avoid loosing information the command refuses to write to files that have uncommitted changes and this parameter changes this behaviour.
  • 0 - default : refuse to write to files with uncommitted changes
  • 1 : allow overwriting files with uncommitted changes
When path hasn't been provided and user picks where to save, this parameter is the suggested filename of the new file.
Universal Type Identifier expected of destination file. This is only used when path hasn't been provided and user picks where to save. User will be warned before picking a file with extension that doesn't match UTI. Default value is public.plain-text or public.item depending on whether content is specified with text or base64.

Reading files

You can get the contents of text or binary files.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
Repository name or remote URL of repository. You will have to pick a repository if this parameter is missing.
Path of file relative to repository root without leading slash. You are asked to pick a file if this parameter is missing.
Binary data written to file in base64 format. If you do not include either a text or base64 parameter the clipboard content is written.
  • 0 - default : transfer file content as UTF-8 unless binary.
  • 1 : always transfer file content as base64 data.
Universal Type Identifier expected of picked file. This is only used when path hasn't been provided and user picks what to read. User will be warned before picking a file with extension that doesn't match UTI. Default value for uti is 'public.plain-text' but this is changed to 'public.item' if base64 indicates that you accept binary results.

Moving files

Move or rename files within a repository.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
&repo* =
Repository name or remote URL of repository.
&source* =
Path of source file relative to repository root without leading slash.
&destination* =
Path of destination file relative to repository root without leading slash.

Committing changes

Commit files, directories or entire repository.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
&repo* =
Repository name or remote URL of repository.
Used to specify the files to take into account, where a missing or empty parameter means the entire repository is checked for modified files to commit.
&message* =
Supply a message parameter for the commit message and formatting/wrapping this message in accordance with best practices is your responsibility.
To avoid accidentally committing unexpected changes the limit parameter is checked and if there are more changed files covered by path than allowed by limit the commit fails. The default is limit=1 but you can set it to large values if you intentionally want to commit all changed files.

Push to remote

Send commits back to the origin remote.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
&repo* =
Repository name or remote URL of repository. Push all repositories remotes by using wildcards on the form repo=* where the asterix matches one or more characters. These wildcards are only resolved against name, not remote URLs.
Push to other remotes than origin with this parameter.

Pull from remote

Fetch and merge changes from remote.
?key* =
Secret URL key to avoid unauthorized command execution.
&repo* =
Repository name or remote URL of repository. Pull all repositories remotes by using wildcards on the form repo=* where the asterix matches one or more characters. These wildcards are only resolved against name, not remote URLs.
Pull from other remotes than origin with this parameter.


Open WOWidget app.


Share widget.
?u* =
Valid url. URL encoded string.
&n* =
Name, title. URL encoded string.
&t* =
Type of content. Number.
  • 1 - HTML
  • 2 - JSON
  • 3 - XML
  • 4 - IMAGE
&s* =
Slot. Number between 1 and 5 included.
Optional config. URL encoded json string. See documentation.